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Mengarungi Sejarah Selayar - Inside Indonesia

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Harapan yang tak sejalan dengan kenyataan

Harapan yang tak sejalan dengan kenyataan                Every people must have their own wishes and knowing the way for making them be achieved.      Seseorang membuat hidupnya lebih berwarna dengan adanya harapan atau impian yang senantiasa selalu melingkupinya. Harapan atau impian akan sesuatu yang membuatnya lebih bersemangat, bahkan berusaha keras dalam menjalani hidupnya.      Lantas, bagaimana jika harapan yang diimpikan ataupun impian yang diharapkan tersebut tidak sesuai dengan kenyataan atau hasil yang diterima? Padahal, seseorang tersebut telah berupaya keras, berusaha sekuat tenaga untuk menjadikan harapan yang tadinya nihil menjadi terwujud. Namun, seakan usaha keras tersebut tidak berbuah hasil yang diharapkan. Seakan usaha keras tersebut tidak berarti apa-apa untuk terwujudnya sebuah harapan.       Don’t be so serious! ...


FACEBOOK IS USEFUL MEDIA TO BROADEN BROTHERHOOD Dian Ariana Junaedi (AG.1) Facebook is useful social media to broaden brotherhood. I f you open this social media , y ou may be familiar with the features ‘ A d d friend’ and ‘ J oin in this page’ due to these features will bring you to find out many people with different country, gender, even in different culture. Only with click these features will bring you to another world that you never expect before. Another function of F ac ebook are connect ing to all friend because we can search engine by typing our friends ’s name , beside that through F acebook will intimate brotherhood due to you can chat and show the pictures even videos to the people. So that, people will know the things that you have done through Facebook . In a few words, Facebook is really used to make a friendship and really broaden our brotherhood.

Essay Narrative-Kajang Tribe is The Unique

KAJANG TRIBE IS THE UNIQUE ONE Dian Ariana Junaedi (AG.1) “ Ammentengko nu kamase-mase, accidongko nu kamase-mase, a‘dakkako nu kamase-mase, a‘meako nu kamase-mase ” ( the way you stand simply, the way you sit simply, the way you step simply and the way you speak simply ) The philosophy of Kajang tribe Indonesia is a country who has many cultures and tribes. Totally, there are 1.340 tribes in Indonesia. One of the tribes is the Kajang tribe in Bulukumba, Makassar, South Sulawesi. The society of Kajang tribe is living in District Kajang especially in the area that is regarded as a heritage land. It is what they call Tana Toa which is divided into two groups, Kajang In and Kajang Out. Kajang tribe is one of the tribes in Indonesia that is still hold strong and maintained the culture and tradition of their ancestors. This tribe is very natural, because it is untouched by modernization and globalization change has been very rapid as nowdays. I can prove it by myself beca...

Essay Korean Wave Reduces the Sense of Nationalism especially in Life Style of Indonesian Teenagers

Korean Wave Reduces the Sense of Nationalism Especially in Life Style of the Indonesian Teenagers Dian Ariana Junaedi (AG.1) Who does not know the popularity of Super Junior, SNSD, 2PM, Sistar, and EXO? For the teenagers, they one familiar with those korean artists due to they are the ones who started to spread Korean wave that is much loved. Now, the things about Korea get common interest. Especially, Indonesian teenagers who start to learn the ins and outs of Korean nation and begin to change their life style like Korean culture as a guide for expression. Whereas, Indonesian culture has begun to be forgotten. In few words, Korean wave reduces the sense of nationalism especially in life style of the Indonesian teenagers. Korean culture specifically refers to Kpop or Hallyu. In Indonesia, it began to enter in 2000. As time goes by, the teenagers become rabid fans. In fact, they are willing to spend time and waste of money just to see their idol directly, started from attend ...